About Andromeda

Like many businesses we had to close Andromeda Botanic Gardens during the 2020 Global Pandemic. We reopened in August 2020 and made the gardens free for locals, at all times not just on selected days and months. We were very fortunate because the locals came in their droves, donated generously and kept Andromeda open.

2021 was also another tough year for the gardens, like many businesses we had more pandemic closures, the island suffered from volcanic ash, a freak storm and a hurricane plus we had to cope with many covid related staff absences. We had to close for 18 weeks and whilst the strains were immense, we had multiple donors, locals and overseas patrons who provided support to keep us open. It’s thank to them that we survived and we thank every single person and company for their generous support during these tough periods.

Now fast forward to 2024 and our vision for Andromeda Botanic Gardens is one of a committed community space, where locals will be able to enjoy the gardens free of charge, where they will be able to use the plants in the Ethnobotanical Gardens, free of charge. We plan to utilise the deck and make it multi-purpose, whether that be to practice TaiChi, Yoga or other performances. We also hope to have BERP (see our Partner page) make full use of the Ethnobotanical Gardens.

We hope locals will continue to visit and donate and we hope overseas visitors come and fully enjoy a real Barbadian garden experience, and discover that Andromeda Botanic Gardens is more than a garden it is a community space for us!

Sharon Cooke

Sharon Cooke is the business owner, head gardener and curator of Andromeda Botanic Gardens, operating through her company Passiflora Ltd.

I took over the management and development of Andromeda Botanic Gardens in February 2014, after being requested to do so by the owners of the property – The​ Barbados National Trust.It was an honour!! I couldn’t believe it. Andromeda was such a prestigious property. Being responsible for Andromeda was not even a dream. It was something beyond my imagination.

I knew it needed help. The first time I’d visited was as a child in 1977​, returning as an adult in 1994. Andromeda had changed but I couldn’t articulate what that was – anyway, gardens do change!!
​I returned numerous times between 2002 and 2012. Andromeda was silently asking for help.

But, despite that, what struck me, (during and after all those visits, spending so much time there) was that Andromeda Botanic Gardens was easily one of the most incredible gardens I had ever experienced.​ And here it was…in Barbados!

Evolution of Andromeda



Andromeda was not on the radar for the people of Barbados, in fact many did not know the gardens even existed.


The vision for the whole of Andromeda has evolved. We see it is a community space for all. It is ‘about us’.

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